Thursday, February 16, 2012

Before and after

sweets, glitter

***I received this card from Sherry here in Florida. I met this fellow postcrosser at a couple postcrossing meetups and she had one similar to this one.  I was like "GLITTER!!! Where did you get this?!?"   So, as a thank you for sending her son a card (which is the main reason she started doing postcrossing), this was my return card!!!  Arriving the day before Valentine's Day, I think it goes nicely with this month of love and such.  What a wonderful surprise as well as very nice of her to remember and send me such a great card!!!

***This next card I received from a direct swap with Col. Ahkil from India the day after Valentine's Day. This depicts Krishna (which is the 8th reincarnation of the Lord Vishnu in Hinduism) and it goes with the love theme. "Radha-Govinda at Night--by B.G. Sharma" is on the bottom of the card and it came with lovely stamps as well. It is one of my favorite cards to date because besides Buddha, I've always had a fasination with Indian Gods and the art derived from them.
India, stamps

***Food for Thought: Love is always and will always be a popular expression in art no matter the culture or time period. What are some things that you relate to love? Hearts, sweets, items made by hand (cards, food, a cd mix of special music, art, any item the person really likes and values that you acutally can make for them).....are just a few things that I think of immediately. Do you like cards with glitter? I do, more appropriate would be that I "love" them!!! This is just another example of how trading and sharing makes others happy and feel special. Have you shared some love today?


  1. These cards are awesome! I love Indian/Hindu art, and that cake card looks sweet :)
