Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day...Celebrates the World of L-O-V-E!!!!

love, heart, mustache

***In the spirit of love, love, love......I present this card with such a cute combo of hearts and mustaches!!! This card comes from a great swapper named Mike and he always sends the coolest old school stamps as seen below (you know, the old lick and stick---yuck, NOT the peel and stick we are so accustomed to today). He stated that he got this card from an artist on Esty, always great to support the arts. I actually received this card last year around Thanksgiving.

Eisenhower, Indian art, The Boston Tea Party

***The Boston Tea Party--8 cent, Dwight D. Eisenhower--6 cent, and then Tlingit Indian Art--15 cent stamp to equal a total of 29 cents.  Since I received this card last year and I have not receive one Valentine's card (unless you count the one from a co-worker last night---card, not postcard---let me clarify), I chose to share this one because I really love it and it fits the occasion.  No worries, the day is young and the mail has yet to arrive. Plus, I sent out my handmade goodies yesterday and they will all be late!!!

***Food for Thought: I "mustache" you a question or 2, do you like hearts or mustaches more? I pick hearts in general, but on occasion a good mustache comes along and I have to pick the fur, heehee. How do you celebrate Valentine's Day or do you think it is a waste of time? My motto is that you do not need a lover, just love on this day! In which, you celebrate all things you love and of course if coupled, you honor that love. It's nice to have a day, I believe, that celebrates the simplest, sweetest gestures of love. I do like getting chocolate as well:) Noms. Do you ever say I love you in a different language? I know I tell my mom "mahal kita", which is "I love you" in Tagalog, the Filipino language. So, as usual...be happy, thoughtful, and do things from the heart and blessings will be upon you. Have a great day. Love and light.